Code is Code

Whether it works or not.

How to clean your Ubuntu instance

by Etienne Marais in Bash

Keep the APT cache clean Remove old kernels safely Clean out /tmp Rotate log files Not every server is a docker provisioned fully CI/CD workflow. Sometimes you want to spin up something small for a side project or blog. Sometimes it's a dev server in the office or a small cloud ...

How to build a hexagon using Vue and SVG

by Etienne Marais in Vuejs

Lately I have been more interested in the reactivity of VueJS to generate svg shapes as components. Components offer a fantastic way to re-use code and also share functionality between apps and/or services. I found a nice little utility made by Brenna ...

Creating Custom Laravel/Lumen validators

by Etienne Marais in Laravel

I guess this has been written about a couple of times already but I haven’t really found anything that puts all the pieces together nicely. This is an article about adding a custom validator to Lumen(v5.2) specifically but can be ported to Laravel as well. After taking a read thr ...

Nyancat PHPUnit results

by Etienne Marais in Testing

PHPUnit has been a handy tool in the developer tool chain for test driven development and code design. There are some pain points that breaks development flow. The insane stack traces when you are expecting an exception and the long scroll when errors occur is enough to demotivat ...